.: Film Interpretation of Welding Related Defects, Practice Quiz & Welding Related Defects Testing & eBook WID'Best Quality Dry Cleaning and Laundry Film Interpretation of Welding Related Defects, Practice Quiz & Welding Related Defects Testing & eBook WI D'Best Quality Dry Cleaning and Laundry Film Interpretation of Welding Related Defects, Practice Quiz & Welding Related Defects Testing & eBook WI ~ .

Senin, 25 November 2013

Film Interpretation of Welding Related Defects, Practice Quiz & Welding Related Defects Testing & eBook WI

Film Interpretation of Welding Related Defects, Practice Quiz & Welding Related Defects Testing & eBook WI

Defects can be grouped under three main
Planar Defects: linear from at least one dimension
  • Cracks.
  • Lack of fusion.
  • Linear Volumetric Defects: Linear in length with volume.
  • Slag lines.
  • lack of fusion with associated slag.
  • Piping.
  • Non-planar defects: rounded indications without significat length.
  • Slag inclusions.
  • Gas pores/blow holes.
  • Other matallic and non-matallic inclusions.

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